Swaddling Techniques

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  • DUDU Wrap (5).png

    The DUDU wrap

    Stands for ‘Down Up Down Up’ and created by well known Paediatrician, Dr. Harvey Karp. This is a very popular technique and is sure to keep bubs cosy and calm!

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    This is the ‘standard’ method of swaddling.

    You’ll likely get shown this method during your hospital stay after bubs is born.

    It’s very simple, very easy to do but I find it does have it’s pitfalls if you’re dealing with a wriggly baby who likes to try and get their hands free!

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    Ain’t no baby getting their arms free of this swaddle!

    If you have a wriggly little worm or you have an unsettled bub who tends to thrash about, this swaddle may be for you!

    If bubs doesn’t mind having their arms placed down by their side for sleeping, this is seriously your saviour!

    You can even put a zip up sleeping bag, like an ergo pouch over the top of this for double anti-escapism. (Note: If you do this, just ensure bubs won’t get too hot. Use a lightweight swaddle blanket and a low TOG sleeping bag).